C.A.T is club which stands for: Cute Adorable Things. As you can see, I am the founder of this club. Some of you might have noticed little hints about C.A.T. You can go to Elliot's blog and look at his profile. This club is mainly a cat lover's forum though many other people have been dragged into this.
The people who have reluctantly joined are Sonia, Jian Eu, Elliot, Ethan, Daryl, Sarah and Ron. All these members have badges. Some badges are a jibe but others are just a normal name. Ethan got the honour of getting the first badge made. It was my brother's idea to make badges. You can read my first post and see a picture of a C.A.T badge. C.A.T badges are handmade and drawn out by the chairman herself. You have to wear your badge every time you meet with the other C.A.T members.
The eager person who can't wait to be a member is Daniel, A lover of cats. I saw a picture of a cat on his msn. He came to know about C.A.T in the bus ride coming home from YWC. I was actually shocked to hear that he wanted to join my club.
Normal meetings are on Tuesday nights, 8:30 pm. Sadly, members don't come for the actual meetings. You don't usually come since it's in my house, which is not near to everyone. The only friends who have come are Sonia and Daryl. You can read about that on my other post. I am thinking of starting another meeting on Wednesdays since that is when we usually meet up.
5 scribbles:
Oh, so that's what it means. Was wondering for the longest time, and I'd actually be interested in joining this, since I'm a cat person myself.
Do you have cats at your place?
Oh, I am so eager indeed! No doubt, I LOVE cats. And My Little Ponies. Two very cute adorable things. Hehehe...
I want a badge too!!!
Hahaha! I didn't know you're a cat person. Are you joking? NO, I don't have cats. This whole cat thing is a little background work for persuading my mom for getting a cat. The thing is, I have a dog.
Do any of you have cats?
Well, no, unfortunately I've never had a cat despite wanting one since my childhood. Parents always thought I'd never be able to take care of it responsibly... you know how it goes.
Since you have a dog, do you think you'll be able to get your cat to live together with it, assuming you finally manage to get one?
I'm quite sure I'll be able two make them live together. But I don't know whether I'll be able to take care of both. The chances of me getting a cat is almost impossible.
My father had seven cats in his childhood, excluding his other animals.
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