Monday, April 28, 2008

White Fluffy Stuff

I am going to eat brown porridge afterwards! I dislike brown rice. It has this cockroachy taste which I find disturbing. Maybe the pickled lettuce will erase the taste. I enjoy pickled lettuce. Best of all, you don't even need to cook them. Just get a can-opener and open the can.

That is a toy poodle. I like unshaved toy poodles. There is a toy poodle in my dog's obdience class.

Friday, April 25, 2008

A View On French Loaves

I'm bloated. I don't even know why I feel so stuffed. It's not like I ate THAT much at JPS teatime.

I am having cake for dinner.

I really like pure French Loaves. I like eating eat without toasting, buttering, or garlicing it. It is best if you don't use a bread knife. I prefer tearing them. We're eating them very often nowadays since my brother has a bicycle again. It is very convenient to have a son with a functioning bicycle because he can run errands for you. Boy, do this! Go and buy me some bread please!

I put the picture back on the left. I prefer it that way.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


My mother and I are thinking of devices that will help Bingsa to be shiny.

My mom has already pointed out that it is probably her food since we changed it to Eukanuba. Before, we had tried a packet of Avocado Avoderm since Chin Ee told my mom to try it. Yesterday we bought another packet of Eukanuba. The lady at the shop said that it needs at least three months for her fur to get used to the food.

My mother told her about Bingo not glittering and she told us to try this sort of pasty thing that you squeeze into the dog's mouth. It costs a bomb. It's....... RM 43! That's two dollars less than the Eukanuba dog food.

We settled for human things that will probably help her fur coat. My mother bought Scott's Emulsion and just now a packet of brown sugar that you use to make kuih.

I dunno how the sugar works at all. I think it's something to do with what's inside the sugar. haha. Maybe it is the sugar cane or something.

I think Bingo is enjoying all this new products. Partly because of all the attention but most of all, she has more things to taste! My dog is a greedy animal. One time she ripped open the dog food bag that was on the floor. I am actually still shocked that she saved it for when she would starve if we forgot to feed her before we went out or when we went out for a long time and forgot to feed her.

That's why we put her food on the ladder now. Maybe she'll even learn to climb a ladder.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Yesterday I finished thed Boy by Roald Dahl. I like the part about the rat-mash and ratitis.

Wow, he really had alot of spanking. Evil headmaster after another. The older people in his school seem to be evil, too. Oh yes, I like the chapter of goat's tobacco. His ancient half sister's husband seems so....... tipsy.

I think I will read Going Solo. Last time I thought it was one was one book, Boy and Going Solo.

Flowers stink after two days. I'm going to eat pumpkin tonight!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Again!

Yesterday was Chin Ee's birthday.

We had some sort of "surprise party". It wasn't that much of a surprise party cause the secret had been let out when Chin Ee said she was sick and could not come. That was when we had to tell her that it was her party.

Before, Ken and Jo had told her that they were coming to my house to do a briefing of a church camp which was only in May. My aunt really believed it!

No pictures. Camera was spoiled last year. I can ask Jo for some. I gave my aunt a mouse which I had made that day and a spectacles case which I had finished a day before.

It was a pleasant party. At the end Jo and I went upstairs to learn magic tricks. I still have my POTONG! I kept it halfway because I was too full to eat it.

Four days ago I saw this man who was so tall he had to hunch in order not to bang into the bananas hanging from a ceiling frame. My mother can barely reach it!

You can see it on the picture. I put it on the right because I've never done that before.

Monday, April 14, 2008


I'm starting to get excited over flowers again. It was because we went to a bridal exhibition and we stayed there until 4:30 for the flower workshop. It was the BEST thing out of the whole exhibition. It was better than the fashion shows which was repeated so many times. One cake booth was nice.

One cake from the cake booth mentioned above had lots of red stripes on it. It reminds me of the cat in the hat. My mother participated in the work shop. I got her scraps.

Nowadays my mom keeps on associating me with bright orange because of my spectacles. They have these orange inner lining with the obvious black frame. So, when she saw an orange sofa she said that we should it get so that I could sit on it and blend in. Then, when my aunt came and gave some cake which was in a container with an orange cover... you can guess. Another thing. I have a watch we bought in June last year which is also made up of those two colours.

P.S. The pears I was talking about in a post were called GONG pears. Gong sounds chinese. Another expensive one is the KOREAN pear.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Well, I don't JUST like cats anymore. Actually, I've always liked animals. Not all. But I like birds.

This one looks like it's perched on a signboard.

This bird has some barbecued meat in its mouth.

This is an Albino kookaburra. I think I like it best. It seems very furry.
I kept it for the last. Its markings doesn't seem so striking though.
I like furry stuff. I like those furry rugs at IKEA though they are not "practical". It's hard to vacuum them. And, since I have a dog, it would be an extra "dust trapper". Jo says some sort of FUNGUS will breed in it. Ah well.