Yesterday was Chin Ee's birthday.
We had some sort of "surprise party". It wasn't that much of a surprise party cause the secret had been let out when Chin Ee said she was sick and could not come. That was when we had to tell her that it was her party.
Before, Ken and Jo had told her that they were coming to my house to do a briefing of a church camp which was only in May. My aunt really believed it!
No pictures. Camera was spoiled last year. I can ask Jo for some. I gave my aunt a mouse which I had made that day and a spectacles case which I had finished a day before.
It was a pleasant party. At the end Jo and I went upstairs to learn magic tricks. I still have my POTONG! I kept it halfway because I was too full to eat it.
Four days ago I saw this man who was so tall he had to hunch in order not to bang into the bananas hanging from a ceiling frame. My mother can barely reach it!
You can see it on the picture. I put it on the right because I've never done that before.
1 scribbles:
Happy Birthday to Chin Ee!
Great to hear that everyone had a pleasant party!
Off topic; check out this poem called Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. Your Mom might know this author if not check him out. Love You Forever is a touching poem b/c it was about a mother and her child.
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