I wrote that yesterday, but I had to go for lunch. After that, I somehow couldn't get my hands on the comp.
Anyway, what I really wanted to tell you is...
You don't really need to read anymore.
Alright, it wasn't as grand as it sounds.
I thought I was going to a class BY them, rather than a class WITH them. Grace and I were the only kiddos there. ARGHHH. Do you know how scary that is? When we first entered, the woman asked us to "make ourselves comfortable on the barre". Okay. BARRE. Just that the barre was nearly reaching my shoulder.
Did you read about them in the papers? I think it was yesterday. Then Victor Trevino told us where to use the barre! But I didn't know then that he was going to play the dying swan. And that he was the founder of Les Ballets Grandiva. Jian Eu says the class was for me like for him training with the young Manchester United team. But it's even better. Since people around the world don't really know the names of the young Manchester United team. At least I don't think so.
They dance en pointe. And they're males. Males don't dance en pointe. Usually. The swans were great. Oh, if you haven't guessed, they play ballerinas.

2 scribbles:
Hey Jian Lin! I found your blog :)
I agree it wasn't a class by them but with them! lol
At least we had a lil fun watching them and their skills eh? :D
Oh and I read your Twilight post too. hehee I'm the one who said it was bad and demonic right? haha mmm maybe it isn't.. maybe its something else..
oh well!
It WAS fun! They are sooo pro!
Haha, yeah, you were the one. But it isn't a good movie!
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