Friday, February 20, 2009

My Crafty Attitude

I have a bad attitude towards crafts.

I bought four pieces of expensive scrapbooking paper and I haven't used one since.

I started on a scarf and made myself promise that I would steadily work on it. Now, it's sitting on a table in a bag untouched.

The tam! You can't really blame me on that one. I lost the needle! Though I can't wait to finish it.

That's why I have loads of craft stuff. I'll keep jumping from one thing to another!

Yarn is so beautiful.

Study closely.

This is the tam! I love it. But I have to buy a whole set of four needles just to get one. Knitting needles aren't cheap.

4 scribbles:

Kyels said...

Okay ... I've never done knitting before so I'm not too sure how expensive are the needles. Anyway, I hope you'll complete the scarf.


Jian Lin said...


Hope I do.

Anonymous said...

Hey is that your mom behind there?? HAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAA


Jian Lin said...

Yesss. Haha. You can recognize!

I think I should cut her out!
