Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wilf, Seagull and the Little Go-Go Bug

There was a dog called Wilf. He got caught by a witch which turned him into a fairy which was a tooth fairy. The witch put him in front of a fan, which was actually the real tooth fairy, which turned the dog /tooth fairy into an ice-cube. The real tooth fairy which was a fan touched Wilf and turned into a pig. Meanwhile, Wilf's real owner was looking for him in the crater of the moon. Then she found a little go-go bug, which was the real tooth fairy's cousin's friend's twice removed grand-daughter. The grand-daughter kept changing colours, and Wilf's owner saw a rainbow! Red, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, indigo. Wilf's owner, whose real name was Wilfs Owner, got confused and started thinking she was a go-go bug. Then she tried to call the silver star's parents who were under the sea in a hermit-crab shell. Suddenly, the ocean turned into cotton candy. The seagull dipped down and took a fluff of the cotton candy. It immediately turned into a sea weed and fell into a cotton candy sea, which instantly turned the colour of the sea weed, which was actually the seagull. The sea was a chameleon! Now, back to Wilf...

Created in English by Sarah and Jian Lin.

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