We spent at least three hours soaking in water.
We talked. Then swam when there was a talking interval. She realised it should be the other way round. Meaning that we talked when there was a swimming interval. We probably sniggered, laughed and yakked around for two hours.
Then, we realised that we were not swimming at all and that we should start swimming. To avoid swimming up and down the pool aimlessly, I decided that we should make our own route that went all around the pool.

My route. On the third round I started laughing.
Green marks the spot where I started.
First, before the time where we swam round the pool, I asked Jo to pull me up from the water using my dear chin. So, after we went around in circles, I asked her to do it again. Then one thing leads to another, so I asked her to pull me up by my ears.Green marks the spot where I started.
Jo asked me after the first round why I was just going around in circles. I told her that was the point.
The Pulls
The Pulls
The sequence in which she hoisted me up
1. The chin
2. Ears
3. The right ear
4. The index finger. We both heard a loud crack.
5. The pinky
6. The hair. My head looked as if it were on a stick.
7. The big toe
8. The small toe
Actually, my brother wanted to go to play tennis with his friends so I decided to go swimming.
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