There is an intruder in my backyard. It is a fat, disgusting rat.
Rats are scaring me. We used to have a rat infestation but we killed its population. VERMIN. Dirty things.
There used to be a rat which my father killed. It got stuck to a board of glue.
My brother is scared of rats. The last time a rat came in while I was folding clothes upstairs and my brother jumped onto a chair and started screaming. My dear dog is half blind and is quite dull so she didn't see a little animal scamper across ther floor. Then, a few days ago my brother was wringing the mop and the rat came towards him. He ran into the house.
Well, I'm scared of rats too. They make my skin crawl.
Those rats in the picture ARE rats, but I think they are rather cute. I think it is because they are pets. I don't want to make my blog rat infested.
3 scribbles:
I'd like to have a mice as my pet ... Haha! But not those rats we can find in the sewers in Malaysia. Haha!
Pooh, pooh. Exageration.
Haha,it's funny to hear Jian Eu screaming and imagining jumping on chairs.
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